Showing posts with label FineLifestyles. Show all posts
Showing posts with label FineLifestyles. Show all posts

Thursday, July 16, 2020

Modelling HENDRICK HUDSON -Newburgh's Own...Part Two /Rex Stewart

Starboard overview of the much-heralded HENDRICK HUDSON as a scratchbuilt model.

It's been a year since the build of this historically accurate model which found it's home in its birth-city of Newburgh, New York. As I reflect, I think of the first model request I encountered some 33 years ago by one of the owner's family members, Alfred Van Olcott.

When he visited my artist studio that spring of 1987, he brought along with him the detailed blueprints of HENDRICK HUDSON. Al stated that he heard about my legendary echo up and down the Hudson Valley as being the only artist-craftsman that built accurate models of the Hudson River steamboats -both vintage and contemporary. He fixed his eyes on the ALEXANDER HAMILTON that was destined to a Scotia resident with another (in progress of the ROBERT FULTON).

Both models were a visual testament that convinced Olcott to commission. But what I found most interesting was his dissatisfaction of the family model that was exhibited at the Smithsonian in Washington, D.C. He stated that my work superceded the HENDRICK HUDSON showcased  there and that he was honored to have come to Albany, New York to meet me. But, in reverse, I was honored to meet the former heir of the famous Hudson River Day Line.

So the saga began with him, a notable steamboat owner who passed the baton to me in an effort to honor a resident collector in the city where the famed HENDRICK HUDSON was built, Newburgh, New York.

In my last blog I left off building the main deck. In this blog, I cover the remaining build of the saloon, promenade and hurricane decks prior to finishing.

Below, with main decks, cabin and rail systems in place, I now advance to the next level working on  saloon deck sections. I realize that blueprints give detail, but seldom are accurate...So, to get the work  close to the actual appearance, much photo data is needed. However, I've built models based on just one or two photos.                     

As the build continue, I work up to the promenade deck -satisfied that the saloon and parlors are perfectly aligned as shown in the next images...

Stern starboard view of the finished saloon -minus the outboard seating, which will be added before enclosing the deck.

Being a historian has its advantages in the world of fine art...and craftsmanship. It's not enough to produce a fine piece, but rather make it as authentic as possible based on established history. It is never wise to label a thing 'authentic' if it can't be proven or backed with evidence. True collectors know that the research I place in the work is flawless...and some have amassed a series of models from my table as a result. 

The HENDRICK HUDSON was the first largest steamboat to enter service on the river in 1907. She was built to celebrate the 300th anniversary of its namesake explorer who discovered New York's scenic river in 1609. Below, two supporting images show the launching of HENDRICK HUDSON at the T. S. Marvel Shipyard at Newburgh, New York.

The HENDRICK HUDSON is launched down the ways into the Hudson River, March 31, 1906 in view of  5,000 onlookers, shipyard attendees, and city officials. Below, the elegant and popular HENDRICK HUDSON backs around the "knuckle" of the Albany Yacht Club pier and into her berth after returning from a downriver excursion August 21, 1940.

The subject matter of these beautiful vessels is, nevertheless a hallmark for any builder who desires to pursue them. I was very fortunate to climb aboard into an era that would eventually fade away during the decade of the 1990s. Taking advantage of the opportunity, I worked diligently (and closely) with anyone who had first hand knowledge of these steamboats...But then again, I didn't have to go very far, because this special network came to me, re: family members (heirs) of those steamboats, curators, collectors, museum personnel, authors and even the passenger alumni themselves.

However, the key to it all were the business leaders, lawyers and judges, politicians, and private citizens who contributed and guided my research based on the integrity of trust. They all knew I would produce some of the most accurate pieces (without bias) in the Hudson Valley -and beyond. For that, I knew this was one of my purposes as an artist-craftsman relative to documenting the river's transportation legacy in the form of model steamboats.

Continuing with the build, I now work on the promenade deck with both excitement and anticipation. The supporting images show how awesome the designers were in those times. Their expertise in symmetric design not only made HENDRICK HUDSON a sleek looking vessel, but her interior elegance was second to none. 

This port profile view show the progress made on the promenade deck of HENDRICK HUDSON. The total build time for this deck area was two and a half weeks.

Upon completing the promenade, I carefully aligned the hurricane deck -making sure the stacks, pilothouse and skylights were properly aligned...using for reference the original deck plan(s) and vintage photo (shown below). The hole that is seen on the hurricane I cut the hole seen on the hurricane above the sliding doors of the observation cabin. The effect that I wanted was to have light penetrate  the windows of the roof dome to illuminate the interior cabin and stairwell. This can also be seen in the second photo which highlight the stairwell which was known as "Stairway of the Dragon".

Vintage photo that assisted with the HENDRICK HUDSON build. This photo was one of many given to me by Herman Boyle of Kingston, New York during my several Saturday visits to his home on Washington Street. He was a riverman that worked on the tugs, but had a large collection of vintage photos depicting steamboat life on the Hudson River.

Interior view of the observation parlor showing the skylight dome over the stairwell leading down to the saloon cabin. In the view looking forward is a mural of the Dutch VOC sailing ship Half Moon. The HENDRICK HUDSON, in all her breathtaking elegance, not only had this feature mural, but  others of note in various locations.These commissioned pieces were Washington Irving's home, the Senate House at Kingston, and the Capitol at Albany, New York.

Moving along in the build (shown below), I discovered additional details which I applied to the model that was absent from the early Olcott commission. And though that model was featured in a televised PBS documentary, this HENDRICK HUDSON would break ground to be one of the best ever produced.

Below are work in progress photos of the promenade and shade decks...


Here, I attach flags prior to finishing. This is usually done to avoid premature damage to the model while addressing delicate details. Furthermore this procedure forces me to concentrate on the total build while working in segments. Elegance, even in miniature comes with a price -which is time, effort and patience.

The HENDRICK HUDSON was indeed elegant, and wasn't rushed into service as some historians have stated. Her true test came the following year in 1907, not 1906 as some have documented. Even the heir of the family business told me her true service began during the 1907 season..Only a trail run occurred in August of that year. A partial schedule (below) confirms her official 1907 service year..

When Ellis Island was established in 1892, immigrants from around the world came to America for opportunity and a better life. Through the period between 1892 and 1901 many immigrants remained in New York City, but some ventured west and south to apply their trade and skills. It was the Industrial Age and practically everyone had a vision to prosper. 

Working in the shipyards and coastal cities along the Hudson River presented those opportunities and steamboating became a business that generated income for any culture willing to endorse it. As a result, when the Hudson River Day Line welcomed these cultures, it gave them honor by celebrating their contributions in the Hudson Valley by flying international flags on its fleet. Below are three port and starboard views showing these flags which were occasionally rotated.

The first set of flags represent The Netherlands and France. The second set are the countries of  Canada and Norway. The third, flags of Italy and Denmark. Finally, on the back staffs (not visible) are the flags of Japan and Puerto Rico.

As a collectible and investment, I produce these models with as much accuracy as possible and integrate them with history by way of these blogs. It's who I am as an artist, craftsman, visionary and historian. Research is not centered on biases, but rather on evidence that support the quality of workmanship I was given to do. So to that end, I close this portion of "Modelling HENDRICK HUDSON -Newburgh's Own"...with anticipation of soon presenting the finale.

For those who would like to own one of these prolific models -or any notable Hudson River steamboat, I can be contacted at, at 774-757-7137 for details. My credentials can be found at and

Thank you for viewing!

Sunday, July 26, 2015

Corporate Steamboat Models Today - Rex Stewart

Lobby of Executive Park Towers, Stuyvesant's model of Hudson River steamboat PETER STUYVESANT.

It's not surprising that a resurgence has occurred in office settings that overlook the shorelines on the Eastern seaboard and, across the Atlantic. Whether it be on coastal/ inland rivers, or the ocean, business executives are taking a 'second look' at the maritime -utilizing ship models as part of their interior design.

Steamboats has since been a unique appeal for art and antique collectors since the early '80s when ship models made its debut in maritime galleries throughout the U.S. These beautiful detailed replicas represent a legacy of vessels that is, and was, the core of America's once-booming Industrial Age that came into its own as businesses and communities flourished on coastal shores. Such vessels were the mainstream of contemporary transportation in the 19th century, replacing the sailing ship as designers worked their skill to improve comfort and speed.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     

Author's scratch-built model of MARY POWELL at the lower right corner displayed in the President's Room at Albany International circa 1980.

                                                                                                                                                            Since 1980, I learned firsthand through interacting with these collectors, that many of the 'corporate models' requested came as a result of sentiment. Many remembered the historical attributes these   vessels brought to their port-of-call, region, populace and commerce. In New York, the late Governor Mario Cuomo had such a model grace the Mansion's interior as part of its decor. The special model designated for that honor was the steamboat MARY POWELL.

The featured photo in this blog represent the Hudson River steamboat PETER STUYVESANT. It was selected as part of a multi-million dollar renovation project which began in January 2013 at the Executive Park Towers in Stuyvesant Plaza and finished this past January 2015. Prior to that time other corporations featured similar models I built for their offices and boardrooms -starting with Albany International in 1980.

                  Author presenting model of DANIEL DREW to Bank Of America boardroom
                  (formerly Fleet Bank) circa 1988.

The interest for these models continue to be strong -especially for those of 19th/ early 20th century vintage that the Hudson River Valley between New York City and Albany, New York. It was a vision that began 35 years ago with the support of historians, collectors, business leaders, curators and, most importantly -community spirit. We, in part, have a great maritime, and the 'corporate steamboat model' personifies the richness of its history in scale and beauty.

Author's scratch-built model of Hudson River Day Line steamboat ALEXANDER HAMILTON shown  as she appeared circa 1959. This is one of the current corporate requests since her last trip to Bear Mountain circa 1971.

A special note:

The image below is a limited edition (Remarque) print that I offer to celebrate the ALEXANDER HAMILTON. For more information concerning this print email: or call 1-774-757-7137.

Concerning commissioned work, I specialize in all Hudson River steamboats (any scale). These are fine one of a kind models that accurately define the vessel as it appeared on the river at any given time of its career.

To view my work and credentials, please visit and .

Thank you for viewing!

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Cayuga Lake Steamboat FRONTENAC -The Model, Rex Stewart

        Profile plan drawing of Cayuga Lake steamboat FRONTENAC as she appeared in 1878.
        Research and drawing by author Rex Stewart.

Simplicity and lines...Lines and simplicity. All the makings of research and design which finally conclude the making of a prolific steamboat model. FRONTENAC had become an inspirational project for research and build as I explored the sidewheel types that operated beyond the Hudson Valley.

As I investigated this vessel, it was apparent that she was a steamer of note. And yet, as such, I pondered my thoughts as to why no model existed. New York had its great fleet of steamboats beyond the Hudson River. To the north, in and around the Adirondacks, walking beam and inclined engined vessels operated on Lake George and Lake Champlain. To the west and northwest of the State, such graced the mighty Saint Lawrence River and the scenic Finger Lakes. They were beautiful, simple in design, and carried a legacy that became notable...even in tragedy. Such a vessel  of note was the steamer FRONTENAC.

               Scene depicts steamer FRONTENAC about to make a commuter run on Cayuga
               Lake late 19th century.

The Industrial Age was the beginning of many inventions large and small in the American culture. It was an era that helped grow and expand the Country toward the 20th century with machine innovation. Steamboats were part of the travel innovation, replacing horse and buggy before the advent of the train and automobile. In the summer of 1820, passengers scheduled to ride stagecoach from Ithaca to Geneva, opted to board a steamboat for the lake's first voyage on the paddlewheeler ENTERPRISE. Fifty years later FRONTENAC became the popular boat.

FRONTENAC was built in 1870 bt T.D. Wilcox of Ithaca, New York at a cost of $50,000. She was a walking-beam sidewheeler with dimensions of 135 feet on the keel and had a hull beam of 22 feet. Her commuter capacity was 350 passengers.

Four years after the passing of T.D. Wilcox, his family heirs sold the business interest to the Cayuga Lake Transportation Company. In 1902, the steamboat and company was sold to Captain Melvin T. Brown of Syracuse. He, inturn, rebuilt parts of the superstructure and replaced the engine with new boilers five years later. It was at that time FRONTENAC encountered her fate after successfully servicing the lake in her 30 year span.

              Model detail showing starboard midship view of FRONTENAC. Colorscheme based
              on the 19th century maritime paintings of Antonio Jacobsen and the Bard Brothers.

On the morning of July 27th, 1907 FRONTENAC raced south to meet the northbound MOHAWK to exchange passengers that would have originally went southbound on MOHAWK. After the exchange the sidewheeler returned back north with her 60 passengers, most being women and children. While heading toward Union Springs, rough waters and gale-like winds prevented the steamer to land at both docks in Aurora and Levanna which were located at the widest part of the lake.

Onboard the vessel certain family members noticed smoke coming from the Captain's pilot house and alerted others onboard. On shore many witnessed the steamer catching fire and men from the shore raced out to rescue the passengers and crew. Captain Brown's quick thinking brought the boat near Farley's Point to beach on a sandbar called Dill's Cove.


                                                Port stern profile of steamer Frontenac         

Heavy waves made it difficult for the men to rescue all. In the final event, seven were loss. The incident spread throughout New York and new laws and regulations were passed. As for steamboat travel on Cayuga Lake, the tragedy brought many to move away from it and the business declined with FRONTENAC never being rebuilt. But in the end, many had fond memories of this prolific steamboat and I'm fortunate to have researched and build the first accurate model of this legend.

                   Finger Lakes steamboat FRONTENAC the completed model, built at 1/8 scale.

This was a good build and a very attractive model of note. The time of this build was a month. This and other period steamboat models can be researched and commissioned by contacting or calling 1-774-757-7137. More information can be obtained by visiting and


Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Researching HIGHLANDER c.1835 - The Model/ Rex Stewart

           Samuel Ward Stanton's drawing of the famed Newburgh, New York steamboat
           HIGHLANDER as she appeared on the Hudson River in 1835.

Newburgh, New York was a booming river town that developed into a monopolized commerce
center for the citizens of the Lower Hudson Valley. Much freight, especially produce and livestock was going south to New York City and steamboats were needed to get those goods to its destination. Furthermore, travelers who needed to commute to various towns found these vessels accommodating for the purpose. This was the era of the 19th century and river commuting was the beginning of a new form of travel.

             Early brothers Bard watercolor depicting HIGHLANDER's 1835 appearance.
           Both renditions had to be carefully studied for accuracy and proper re-configuration
           in order to build an accurate scale model.

While researching and building steamboat models in New York's Capital region during the '80s and '90s, I was fascinated with the discoveries I encountered concerning steamboat designs of the 1830 period. I had built models from the 1840s to the present, but never considered those vessels built past Robert Fulton's CLERMONT.

Many contemporary builders had no knowledge of these early sidewheel types, so no models were available to work from -let alone, plans. Only one such work existed on an early steamboat of this period and that was produced by noted modelmaker Forrest Van Loon Ryder out of Coxsackie, New York during the 1950s. This model was HIGHLANDER, one of several Hudson River steamboats he built for collectors, museums and those interested in these prolific boats.

             A vintage model of HIGHLANDER built by the late Forrest Van Loon Ryder
             which is now on display at the Captain David Crawford House Museum in
             Newburgh, New York. There, five other Ryder models are exhibited; all at
             1/8" = 1' Scale.

In 1980 I was commissioned to copy Mr. Ryder's MARY POWELL for a corporation which  the model later became a topic of conversation with business executives at the time. I then decided to venture out and research MARY POWELL to design my own plan set relative to having an accurate model enter the Hudson Valley. These soon became highend collectibles of note. However, Ryder was my inspiration from which I drew the ability to explore, research and study the American steamboat -beginning with those that operated on the Hudson River.

                HIGHLANDER c.1835 - profile plan at 3/32" = 1' scale. Research for this
                work was based on the brothers Bard watercolor and Samuel Ward Stanton's
                drawing which included supportive dimensional data of the vessel at the time
                of her construction.

In the Fall of 2011 a colector from the Newburgh Region proposed a line of steamboat models which included HIGHLANDER. This proposition became the anticipated opportunity to finally research and build a true 1830 replica of a Hudson River sidewheeler. With the experience and credentials established over a thirty year period, it wasn't difficult to configure this vessel's appearance.

The client was very specific about his collection. He wanted all three sidewheelers to be constructed at 3/32" = 1' scale which made little room for error regarding hull dimensions, beam width and deck layout.

HIGHLANDER was a walking beam type steamer that carried her stacks and boilers on the guards away from the hull. Knowing this fact made plan drawings easier to develop...and within two weeks I was able to produce some prolific plans (for the first time) concerning an early steamboat. I now had the formula for designing these vintage gems.

               Work-in-progress showing the underside features of HIGHLANDER. Notice
               the early design pattern of the Northeast sidewheeler. Most steamboats of
               this period  omitted bottom rims which secured and protected the paddles. It
               is possible that the paddles, including the wheel system, was made of oak -giving
               way to these buckets being bolted to the stems of the wheels so to allow this
               feature to last several years without rotting.

               Port bow view showing HIGHLANDER's auxiliary flagstaff. upon viewing
               several Bard paintings and Stanton drawings, I discovered that this odd
               apparatus was carried and used to attach company house flags and pendants.

                 Early steamboat models I built during the '80s and  '90s featured handpainted
               flags made of soft metal. These were treated with acrylic base to prevent
               chipping. In recent times I now apply treated paper flags using the same
               applications. However, the paper flags are more life-like, especially when these
               are folded to give a breeze effect.

                  Maritime artist and shipmodel specialist Rex Stewart carefully applies the
                walking beam engine to the HIGHLANDER model. Nearly 140 seperate
                wood pieces make up this detail.

                   Starboard overview illustrates the strengthening process of a steamboat
                 of this period. The blue-colored kingposts, spars and hogframes, reinforced
                 with steel tie rods, were placed in strategic points on the vessel to secure
                 areas where the most strain existed -primarily at the stern and amidship
                 around the paddlewheels. So that this odd structure didn't take away from
                 the steamer's design, the kingposts and spars were adorned with gilded
                 balls and, occasionally woodsculpted eagles.

                  Port profile of Newburgh, New York steamboat HIGHLANDER c.1835.
                Scratch-built solely in wood at a scale of 3/32" = 1'. 


HIGHLANDER was built for the company of Thomas, Johnson and Wardrop in 1935. Her length on the keel was 160 feet with a beam of 24 feet. Her depth of hold was 8 feet and her overall length was complete at 175 feet.

Made of wood, her hull was built at the shipyard of Lawrence and Sneden in New York. The vertical beam engine was constructed at West Point Foundry in Cold Spring, New York. She carried two boilers on the guards; both of iron. Her paddlewheels were 24 feet in diameter with 10 foot length buckets that dipped 29 inches.

This unique steamboat carried a 'cookie-jar' pilothouse on the skydeck with a fancy bell attachment on the roof behind the gilded eagle ornament which sat center. When she entered service on the Hudson River she was one of the best and fastest boats to run. She operated on the Newburgh-New York Line until the steamer THOMAS POWELL appeared in 1846. HIGHLANDER was then used as an excursion boat and later ran for the Freight and Passage Line between Rondout and New York City until 1852. The following year she was taken south to the Delaware River and used as a towboat before being dismantled in 1866. Her engine was erected in the new towboat replacing her which was named WILLIAM H. ASPINWALL.

Commission work can be honored for any and all Hudson River steamboats. These are fine one of a kind models that accurately define the vessel as it appeared at any given time of its career. For information about my line of work kindly email: or call 1-774-757-7137.

To view my work and credentials, visit and

Thanks for viewing.

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Thursday, December 8, 2011

Steamboat Model MARY POWELL c.1887 -The History and Build/ Rex Stewart

Few models exist on the renowned sidewheeler MARY POWELL. Some have been produced with minute detail while others varied in levels of craftsmanship and quality. But no matter how the steamboat has been presented over the years, MARY POWELL remain to be, nationally and internationally, one of the most favorite builder subjects today.

MARY POWELL was built at the onset of the Civil War. She was launched in 1861 at the request of Captain Absalom Anderson who, prior to the "M.P.", commanded the THOMAS POWELL -a swift sidewheeler known to many as the "Swan of the Hudson."

                Steamer MARY POWELL docked at Rondout Creek, New York c.1887

Thomas Powell was a prominent citizen of the village of Newburgh, NY located 60 miles north of New York City on the west bank of the Hudson River. The firm of T. Powell and Company composed of Powell and Captains Samuel Johnson and Robert Wardrop who established a steamboat line in 1835 which lasted ten years. Upon dissolving the line, Powell kept the steamboat HIGHLANDER and went into partnership with his son-in-law, Homer Ramsdell.
In 1846, Powell and Ramsdell brought out the new THOMAS POWELL for day service between Newburgh and New York City. She ran in line with HIGHLANDER and two years later, because of fierce competition, Powell and Ramsdell sold their interests to the Anderson and Romer families. As steamboats were being acquired by different firms along the Hudson, there was a need for fast and reliable boats. A new steamboat came to the river in 1860 named the DANIEL DREW, a celebrated New York-Albany dayboat that gained reputation on the Hudson when she raced and beat the ARMENIA of river fame.

Captain Anderson, viewing the swift DANIEL DREW as she daily passed his Rondout dock, knew that it was time to upgrade and build a new steamboat that would be the talk of the entire Hudson Valley for next six decades. The sidewheeler would be the inevitable "Queen of the Hudson". The name being the MARY POWELL. Anderson's goal was to have a vessel that would outdo every Hudson River steamboat known. He made it clear to the builders that the vessel had to make better time than his THOMAS POWELL -and that a heavy forfeiture of the contract would be in place if that recommendation failed. When the Allison Shipyard in Jersey City, N.J. completed MARY POWELL, she measured 267 feet in length, with a beam of 34.5 feet and depth of hold at 9.2 feet. Her tonnage was 819.
Because of Captain Anderson's steamboat ties in the area, and his highest respect for Thomas Powell, it was only fitting to name his vessel after Powell's wife whom, in her own right, had ties of historical proportions in the maritime.

Mary Ludlow Powell established a firm maritime history in addition to being the widow of Thomas Powell. Her eldest brother entered the United States Navy as a midshipman in 1795 and rose to the rank of captain. Mary's next eldest, Robert Ludlow, had been assigned to the U.S.F. CONSTITUTION and was aboard when "Old Ironsides" encountered and captured  H.M.S. JAVA in December, 1812. The best-known brother, Augustus C. Ludlow, was James Lawrence's first lieutenant on the CHESAPEAKE in the engagement with H.M.S. SHANNON off Boston on June 1, 1813. It was in this battle that the mortally wounded Lawrence gave the vain command, "Don't give up the ship!"

      War of 1812 CONSTITUTION Battle Station, handcarved in wood by the author. This
      representation show how the men were positioned during the fight with HMS JAVA
      when Mary Ludlow's brother served...Hand-carved action onboard CONSTITUTION
      can be seen in this video


The MARY POWELL, now on the waters of the Hudson, was now becoming the echo of river folklore. In 1867, Captain Anderson retired from the steamboat business after selling his shares of MARY POWELL to Thomas Cornell, the steamboat potentate of Rondout, N.Y. This purchase was made three years prior. For several years, as the steamboat changed ownership, it was being scrutinized for performance. Then in 1874, a young steward came aboard the vessel, the young son of retired Captain Absalom Anderson. His name was Absalom Eltinge Anderson who would, many years later, become the prolific captain of the renowned steamer.

In 1872 the MARY POWELL returned back to Captain Anderson and remained with the family until 1883 when Thomas Cornell, again, acquired her. When the successor, Jansen Anderson, the Captain's eldest son passed away, Eltinge was not looked upon as the possible choice to keep the legacy of the family business. Between the seasons of 1884 and 1885 Eltinge, determined to prove otherwise, devoted much of his time preparing a pamphlet to promote the MARY POWELL. As a result of his efforts, Captain William Cornell retired and sold his share in the vessel to Eltinge.

           Portrait of the young Captain Absalom Eltinge Anderson, stmr. MARY POWELL

The MARY POWELL became the heart of steamboat folklore. For 55 years she travelled the Hudson and entered practically every port on her route. She was both beautiful and fast, having surpassed records of her contemporaries with no loss of life. She transported dignitaries and royals and accommodated renowned men and women of her day. She was a favorite at West Point and all points south of that landing. North, she was respected and won the hearts of the Albany-Troy citizens and was embraced as "The Queen" of riverboats.

In 1920 she finally ceased operations on the Hudson River and became legendary years afterward. A book about her was written by my friend and author, Donald C. Ringwald, and several years later, a descendant of the Mary Powell Family, Pauline Hending Matherson, commissioned me to build her an exacting model of the steamboat -which is in their Vermont home today.

             Bard painting of MARY POWELL as she first appeared on the river c.1861

Several MARY POWELL models were built in Albany during the '80s and early '90s -and a new version is now being built in New England at my Southbridge, MA studio. This version is the famous steamboat as she first appeared on the river in 1861 and is probably the only one of its kind anywhere, to date. This will be shared with the public and maritime community in a few months. To conclude, below are images of MARY POWELL as she appeared in 1887.

      Constructed entirely of wood, this project took approximately two months to build and
      is considered one of the most accurate models in the Hudson River Valley.

    This closeup shows the meticulous superstructure of MARY POWELL, from walking
    beam engine down to her paddlewheels. Her racy hogframes were state-of-the-art; a
    beautiful, graceful design that no other steamboat of her class carried. This was, in
    essence, MARY POWELL the "Queen of the Hudson".     

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Monday, November 28, 2011

Model Steamboat ST. JOHN c.1864 / Grand nightboat of the Hudson River

                                   The great ST. JOHN idle on the Hudson River c.1864

The ST. JOHN and DREW, along with the DEAN RICHMOND, were the People's Line response to the river's ever-increasing traffic of the 1860s. The Troy-based steamboat Line
commissioned  John Englis Shipyard in Brooklyn, New York to build a vessel that surpassed any contemporary steamboat of its time. The word "floating palace" became a new meaning for the massive sidewheeler ST. JOHN.

She was launched in 1863 to serve as a nightboat between New York and Albany. She was 393 feet in length, 51 feet in beam with a 10.2 feet depth of hold. Made of wood, her gross tonnage was 2645. Her engine was inherited from the large nightboat NEW WORLD, which sunk when her gallows frame collapsed and sent her walking beam crashing into her interior in 1859.

                          Currier and Ives print of nightboat ST. JOHN c. 19th century

Saratoga, Lake George, Lake Champlain and the Adirondacks were visited by thousands buring the decade of the 1860s. To accommodate these visitors and get them to these northern points, ST. JOHN set the course in both design and fashion for nightboats in 1863. The United States was at war with itself, but inspite of this civil unrest, citizens and foreigners continued to travel the picturesque Hudson River to enjoy those regions north of the Capital City.

The reputation of ST.JOHN was so great that newspapers heralded her beauty and size, prompting international visitors to board and admire her. The sidewheeler featured a high dome deck with staterooms on galleries. The grand staircase was carved of St. Domingo mahogany, inlaid with white holly, and double inlaid stars featured the newel posts.

           Scale nightboat model of ST. JOHN exhibiting port profile. Scratchbuilt in three
           wood types, it is scaled at 1/8" = 1' with an overall length of 48" inches.

ST. JOHN's first river tragedy occurred during her first year of service. On the evening of October 29, 1863 when only a few miles below Albany, New York, one of the boilers exploded with the loss of fifteen people. Her second and final disaster came when she was laid up at her winter quarters in New York City. At the foot of Canal Street, on January 24, 1885,  she caught fire and was destroyed.

ST. JOHN ran on the Hudson River for 21 years, attracting a large following during her years of service. Like most notable vessels of her time, she was captured in photos, drawings, prints and paintings by some of the most prolific maritime artists of the period. In contemporary times, no true model ever existed on this famous steamboat which prompted me to research, build, and bring this image into public view as a scale model.

                      ST. JOHN's portside overview appearance of 1864 - Author's build

                 The author's plan profile of ST. JOHN's paddlebox design as it appeared
                in 1863.

Although the paddlebox was a flat surface, the designers of the period produced an astonishing effect by introducing 'lines of perspective'. This particular technique gave the appearance of looking into a long colonaded room extending through the inside of the boat. The effect of perspective was heightened by painting in a tile floor of contrasting shades. Deep inside the composition a gate built up of lattice work gave out onto a painted landscape which was the envy of many interior designers of that day. Two years later the DEAN RICHMOND appeared on the river with similiar paddlebox treatment which gave a startling impression to passengers on passing boats.

This was the era of size and beauty, the 1860s. ST. JOHN was a vision for bold visionaries who took the idea from the drafting table to the shipyard -making this sidewheeler a prominent reality and one of the great legends of her day.

                  Starboard Profile of Hudson River nightboat ST. JOHN - Rex Stewart

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